Corporate Governance Manual
We adopted our Manual of Corporate Governance (the “Manual”) on March 7, 2016. This Manual was amended on 25 October 2016, then on 10 May 2017, and on 22 March 2018. Our policy of corporate governance is based on the Manual. The Manual, which complies with Philippine SEC rules, lays down the principles of good corporate governance in the entire organization. The Manual provides that it is the Board’s responsibility to initiate compliance to the principles of good corporate governance, to foster our long-term success and to secure our sustained competitiveness in a manner consistent with our fiduciary responsibility.
The Manual embodies our policies on disclosure and transparency, and mandates the conduct of communication and training programs on corporate governance. The Manual further provides for the rights of all shareholders and the protection of the interests of minority shareholders. Any violation of the Manual is punishable by a penalty ranging from reprimand to dismissal, depending on the frequency of commission as well as the gravity thereof.